Janelle Lakeland

My Activity Tracking


My target 19 kms

I will smash this run!

I'm fundraising for kids with brain cancer!

I’m doing Connor’s Run to support the brave and awesome kids fighting brain cancer - the #1 disease killer of young people, and to fund the science that will one day end paediatric brain cancer. 

Brain cancer research is on the tipping point. We can all be part of making important breakthroughs happen. My participation is something that I can do to support the science and in the meantime the patients. For all the people out there currently battling brain tumours and for those who couldn’t wait for research to progress any longer.

Make a donation to my page and be part of making brains matter, together we can change the odds for young people.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Connor's Run September 1st Matching

Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,


Salong Mounarath


Connor's Run September 1st Matching

Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,




Connor's Run September 1st Matching

Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,


Mitch Keogh


Yiran Shi

Good luck!!


Anna Ay


Matched Donation

From a very special and generous RCD Foundation supporter


Connor's Run Eofy Matching

Donation matched by partners, Suzuki, Middy's, Bluegum and The King Family.


Beth Shine


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Karen Philpott


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Anastasia Crisafi

Good Luck Janelle. Great cause!!!!


Novita Prakoso


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Braden Veitch


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign




Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign




Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Drew Mcnally

Something witty and supportive XD


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Anna Huston


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Sue Lakeland

We hope you go really well on your run. Love Mum and Sad




Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign





Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Sarah Robbins

Go Nell!! Xx


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign



Good on you Janelle! Great cause x


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign




Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign


Janelle Lakeland


Mister Zimi

Thank you for your generous donation to the Connor's Run x Mister Zimi matching campaign