But throughout all this, Connor never stopped smiling. He stayed positive, philosophical and true to his mantra: "I will be awesome". Sadly we lost Connor over 10 years ago, but his awesome spirit lives on.
We honour Connor in many ways; from the distances, colours, to the songs, everything has a special meaning.
Here's a few reasons why we do things the way we do.

The Run
More times than Connor.. If you've taken part in Connor's Run more than once, you've actually run the route more times than Connor!
18.8km is the (approximate) distance he ran that day, but also his age when he passed away.
9.6km is Connor’s birthday, June 9th (he would now be 30 years old).
NEW 3km Little Bird Loop the three little birds is in the RCD Foundation logo, and pays tribute to Connor's favourite song, "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley.
The finish line at the boat sheds on the Yarra was Connor’s favourite place in the world and where his ashes are scattered.
Learn more about the course HERE
As you approach the finish line you'll be given a yellow gerbera flower. You can add yours to the specially created flower wall, take it home, or share the love and pass it on. RCD Foundation Ambassador and New York Times bestselling author, Sally Hepworth, will also be at the flower wall, so make sure you say hi!
Aeternum Fortis - Latin for Eternal Strength, and the phrase Connor's classmates put on wristbands to raise money for his treatment. Latin was Connor's favourite subject and Aeternum Fortis is our eternal reminder of the amazing person he was.
Who's Taking Part
The community - Connor’s Run participants over the years have included Connor’s friends, teachers, babysitter, formal date, brain surgeon, radiologist, headmaster, occupational therapist, yoga instructor, music therapist, dentist, rowing coach, neighbours and so many more. This year there'll be over 4,500 runners taking part, those lucky enough to know Connor, and those new to us who have been inspired by him and his story.
Brain cancer community - We have many families and friends running or walking for a loved one currently battling brain cancer or who have lost their life to this awful disease. We have neuro-oncologists joining us that will be the recipients of our fundraising efforts, music therapists working with children and young adults through our Music Matters Grants, and brain tumour survivors.
Celebrity Ambassadors - We’re lucky enough to be supported by some of Australia’s favourite celebrities. Dancing with the Stars 2024 winner Lisa McCune, comedian Dave Hughes, and footballer Andy McGrath are just some of the awesome ambassadors who will be there on event day.
VIFs (Very Important Fundraisers) - Our biggest fundraisers will be noticeable by their extra merch on the course - wearing a bandana for raising over $500, a teal tee for raising over $1,000, red tee for raising over $5,000 or rocking a Super Cape for raising over $10,000! Be sure to give them an extra loud cheer at the finish.
Fortis Club members - Big hearts who have been with us from the start! Fortis Club members are participants, fundraisers and volunteers for have been involved in 10+ Connor's Runs, and will be honoured with a spot on the big screen at the finish, and given a special commemorative key ring.
Corporate Challengers - More than 80 teams from our sponsors and corporate friends have been in healthy competition to raise funds and be the Corporate Champions. A big-hearted thank you to everyone at these companies who get excited about brain matters, and contribute a huge amount of money to the fundraising total.
School Challengers - We're proud to have the support of Brighton Grammar School, where Connor and his brother Nick attended, and Firbank Grammar School, where his sister Hannah attended, since the beginning. And we're excited to see the School Challenge continue to grow each year, with 17 schools participating this year.